Next-Generation Zero Trust Security & Advanced Segmentation Platform

A dedicated and secure ecosystem which isolates users, devices, systems, and applications that need to interoperate

The Big Problem

  • The cyber-criminal tradecraft has advanced, while legacy security tools struggle to keep pace.

  • Too many products, disparate policies & management tools, from too many vendors

  • Cloud adoption, managing multicloud environments, advanced connectivity.

  • Creates a complete lack of visibility.

  • Hackers are using automated Gen AI to bypass security tools.

  • Exposes vulnerabilities, causes delays in response time, leads to mistakes and misconfigurations.

  • Enterprise - Grade Security Advanced Segmentation One Platform

  • The Simplest & Fastest Way to Identify, Connect, Isolate, and Protect Users & Technologies.

  • The First Fully Integrated Platform to Protect ANY Technology, on ANY Network...Anywhere